Tuition sharing agreements, an update
Almost nine months ago, the Government Accountability Office asked the Dept. of Education to more closely monitor the revenue sharing...
44% of Graduates Regret their College Majors
Although we have talked about the problems with higher education, there is no question that a college degree is becoming...
Universities endowments just keep growing
It has been said that these days top-tier universities are just hedge funds with admissions departments. Many US university endowments...
About one third of students regret their vocational schools and humanities aren’t much better
The Washington Post recently published an article which breaks down the regrets that many Americans have surrounding their major and...
The State of Student Loan Forgiveness
There is a chance that this article will be out of date by the time you are reading it. The...
Higher Ed staff are leaving, and a lot of it has to do with salary and WFH
The “Great Resignation” has been steadily sweeping over any number of industries. Workers being asked to come back into the...
Review of ‘Weapons of Math Destruction’ by Cathy O’Neil
Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy by Cathy O'Neil Cathy O’Neil’s Weapons of Math...
The US Dept. of Education Still Hasn’t Published it’s New Title IX Policy – Update: They Did!
Title IX of the US Education Amendments prohibits sex-based discrimination at any school or educational program which receives federal funding....
New Laws Are Restricting What Can Be said in Classrooms
The American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) and PEN America released a statement decrying the approximately seventy bills that...
Dept. of Education Need to Monitor OPMs, says GAO
The Department of Education should do a better job monitoring the relationship between Colleges and Online Program Managers (OPM) to...